Islamophobia in the workplace: two employees unjustly ordered to remove their headscarves, the Minister of the Interior supports the employer

Two employees of Nancy’s “Association accueil et réinsertion sociale” (AARS) have been threatened with dismissal following the adoption of a neutrality clause in the association’s internal regulations. The two employees have been with the association for three and four years respectively, and their headscarves have never caused any problems. However, on August 10, the AARS […]
RN: Neo-fascist activist Raphaël Ayma recruited as parliamentary assistant

On Thursday September 26, the left-wing newspaper Libération revealed that a neo-fascist militant had just been recruited as parliamentary assistant to the RN (Rassemblement National, far-right political party) deputy for the Var, Philippe Schreck. The assistant in question, Raphaël Ayma (real name Rafael Ferron), is one of the leaders of the Provençal neo-fascist identity group […]