Muslim women stabbed in Paris: the two accused are sent back to the Assize Court

In October 2020 on the Champ de Mars in Paris, two Muslim women were physically attacked and stabbed several times by two women who also insulted them: “Dirty Arabs”, “You’re not at home here”. The victims were hospitalized and the two suspects placed in police custody for “racially motivated intentional violence”, a charge that was […]
Right-wing extremism: UNI student union invited to the National Assembly for the start of the academic year

Last week, Yvenn Le Coz, national delegate for UNI (Union nationale inter-universitaire, a far-right trade union) spoke at a round-table discussion at the French National Assembly on the start of the new academic year. Far removed from the difficult reality experienced by a large number of students, the UNI warned of the risks of “Islamism […]
Brittany: a far-right website doesn’t want the Koran to be read in … mosques

“It used to be that Karl Marx was taught in Saint-Nazaire, but now it’s the Koran!” This is how Breizh-info, a far-right website, criticizes the Koran courses offered in its region (Brittany, northwest France). The article is listed under the categories “grand remplacement”, “islam”, “mosques” and “immigration”. The media aims to be a medium that […]