Direct or indirect discrimination?

Mohammed souhaite acquérir un bien immobilier et visite une maison avec sa maman qui porte le foulard et un vêtement traditionnel. Sa candidature n’est pas retenue. Lorsque sa sœur, qui ne porte pas le foulard, visite la même maison, la candidature de celle-ci est retenue par l’agent immobilier. Il se rend compte qu’il a subi une […]
They planned murders of migrants and attacks on mosques, their trial postponed until January

The appeal trial of the eleven far-right activists, due to take place last week, will now be held in January. A request for postponement was lodged by the lawyer of one of the defendants: the trial date fell at the same time as her delivery. In January 2023, thirteen defendants were brought to trial: three […]