About us

Welcome to Equitas

At Equitas, we are committed to fighting racism and Islamophobia, defending the rights and dignity of people who are victims of discrimination. Incorporated as a non-profit association (ASBL) based in Brussels, Belgium, our mission is to provide free legal assistance, information and support to those who consider themselves victims of discrimination linked to Islamophobia.

Our mission

Our mission is to oppose all forms of discrimination and violence directed against individuals because of their real or assumed membership of the Muslim religion. We strive to create a society where everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs, can live in dignity and without fear of discrimination or prejudice.

What we do

  1. Legal Assistance: We offer free legal advice and assistance to people facing discrimination due to Islamophobia. Our dedicated team of legal experts works tirelessly to provide the best possible support to help victims assert their rights and obtain justice.
  2. Awareness and Education: Equitas is dedicated to raising awareness of the problems of racism and Islamophobia. We organize workshops, seminars and community events to educate the public and promote understanding and tolerance.
  3. Advocacy and Policy Change: We work with policy-makers, institutions and other organizations to advocate stronger laws and policies to protect individuals from discrimination. Our aim is to influence positive change at local and national levels.
  4. Research and Reports: We conduct research and publish reports on the state of Islamophobia in Europe. Our annual reports provide valuable insights and statistics that help inform our advocacy and public awareness efforts.

Join us

Whether you’re looking for help, want to get involved, or simply want to learn more about our work, we invite you to get in touch. Together, we can make a difference and create a more just and inclusive society.

For further information, please contact us at contact@equitas.site.

Contact Information

Equitas 10 boulevard de l’Empereur, 1000 Brussels – Belgium Telephone: +32 2 315 11 10 Email: contact@equitas.site

Last Thursday, the Ulu Camii mosque in Haguenau (Grand-Est, France) was the target of an arson attack. Thanks to the quick reaction of a worshipper on the scene, firefighters were (...)

This is the second time that a teacher at the Lycée Jean Monnet in Libourne (south-west France) has received a racist death threat. On the first occasion, in December 2023, (...)

Last Wednesday, the Bouches-du-Rhône police prefect demanded that the Bleuets mosque in Marseilles part company with Imam Ismail, on pain of closure of the place of worship. Yesterday, Imam Ismail (...)