At the European Parliament, far-right parties emerge strengthened but divided

Austria and France are the two countries where these political formations came out on top.

The day after the European elections, which renew the European Parliament for the next five years, the expected surge of far-right parties has been confirmed. As Europe celebrates the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings against Nazi occupation, the fascist spectre threatens to descend on the Parliament in force.

Of the 58 MEPs making up the “Identities and Democracy” group bringing together Europe’s far-right parties, more than half will be from the French RN. A shock for one of the EU’s founding countries, whose president Emmanuel Macron was elected to block it.

Following the announcement of the results, the latter announced the dissolution of the French National Assembly, which could give a majority to RN deputies and appoint a far-right Prime Minister for the first time in French history.

In Belgium, the far-right anti-immigration parties Vlaams Belang and the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) also came out in force, even prompting the resignation of Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, whose group obtained 7% of the votes cast.

The status quo is preserved in the European Parliament, with Ursula von der Leyen’s Christian Democrats in the majority, marking her re-election as head of the European Commission.

The CCIE notes that what it has always denounced has been confirmed: applying the racist policies of the extreme right only serves to reinforce them. Only an anti-racist, inclusive and fraternal policy will strengthen national cohesion in the face of the fascism threatening European societies.

The results of the European elections have enabled the RN to strengthen its position in the European Parliament, without however calling into question the balance of power within the institution. If it were to achieve the same result on the evening of July 7, the fate of France and Europe would be at stake in an unprecedented situation.

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