Justice orders the resumption of substitute meals in school canteens

The Lyon administrative court has just ordered the commune of Tassin-la-Demi-Lune (Lyon metropolitan area, south-east France) to put alternative meals back on the school canteen menu.
In France, a mosque vandalized in a village of 1,300 inhabitants

Last Saturday night, the corpse of a wild boar was dumped outside the doors of the Franco-Turkish association in Saint-Usage (Côte-d’Or, eastern France), which also houses a mosque.
Strasbourg: Arson attack on construction site of Europe’s largest mosque

Yesterday, a group of individuals set fire to the parking lot of the Eyyûb Sultan Grand Mosque in Strasbourg (eastern France).
Arson attack on Amiens mosque in a more-than-tense national context for Muslims in France

Yesterday, arson broke out at the entrance to the Assounna mosque in Amiens (northern France) during dawn prayers. Alerted by the smell of burning, worshippers went outside to discover the back door of the mosque on fire.
Islamophobia in sport: UN experts declare France’s headscarf ban discriminatory and to be overturned

A group of UN human rights experts has just issued a press release declaring that the ban on headscarves by certain French sports federations (such as soccer and basketball) is discriminatory and should be overturned.
“Mr. Minister, what actions do you plan to take to combat Islamophobia in concrete terms?” a French MP’s appeal following the latest report on Islamophobia in Europe

In an official letter to the Secretary of State for Citizenship and the Fight against Discrimination, Othman Nasrou, dated October 24, left-wing MP Farida Amrani (LFI) expresses her deep concern at the release of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) report on the state of Islamophobia in Europe.
Five years after the Bayonne mosque attack, mosques are still targets

Five years ago today, the mosque in Bayonne (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, south-west France) was the target of a far-right attack: after attempting to set fire to the mosque door, the assailant shot and wounded two men before being arrested.
Jaminet affair: he’s “no longer welcome” in the French team

Last Sunday, the day after his re-election as President of the French Rugby Federation (FFR), Florian Grill declared on the set of RMC that Melvyn Jaminet, a professional player prosecuted for his racist remarks, was “no longer welcome” in the French team.
Attack on a high school: perpetrators of fake “Islamist” tags given 6-month suspended prison sentence

In Quimper (eastern France) last April, a private Catholic school was vandalized by two men, including writing on the walls of classrooms aimed at harming Muslims by blaming them for the damage. Some of the inscriptions were: “Long live Islam”; “Allah is great”; “Death to France”; “France to Morocco”. In police custody the following day, […]
They planned murders of migrants and attacks on mosques, their trial postponed until January

The appeal trial of the eleven far-right activists, due to take place last week, will now be held in January. A request for postponement was lodged by the lawyer of one of the defendants: the trial date fell at the same time as her delivery. In January 2023, thirteen defendants were brought to trial: three […]