In Luxembourg, 60% of Muslims have already been victims of Islamophobia

That’s more than one in two Luxembourg Muslims. This figure comes from the latest alarming report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on the situation of Muslims in Europe.
Luxembourg: Sports Minister confirms authorization of covering jerseys

On August 24, three women bathing in full-coverage swimsuits were banned from a swimming pool in Remich (a commune in southeastern Luxembourg), creating a scandal that spread beyond the country’s borders. As a result, majority MP Nancy Arendt (Christian Social political group) submitted a written question to Sports Minister Georges Mischo (Christian Social political group), […]
Three women wearing revealing swimsuits were turned away from a Remich swimming pool

On August 24, 2024, three women dressed in revealing swimsuits were refused access to the pool at Remich (a commune in southeastern Luxembourg) by a lifeguard, who claimed their attire was illegal. In Luxembourg, however, there is no legislation prohibiting the wearing of revealing clothing in public bathing areas, leaving it up to the individual […]