Justice orders the resumption of substitute meals in school canteens

The Lyon administrative court has just ordered the commune of Tassin-la-Demi-Lune (Lyon metropolitan area, south-east France) to put alternative meals back on the school canteen menu.
Spain: Muslim association helps clean up Valencia church after floods

The Muslim association Islamic Relief has come to the aid of the inhabitants of the city of Valencia (south-east Spain) to clean up and repair flood damage in a church.
In France, a mosque vandalized in a village of 1,300 inhabitants

Last Saturday night, the corpse of a wild boar was dumped outside the doors of the Franco-Turkish association in Saint-Usage (Côte-d’Or, eastern France), which also houses a mosque.
Strasbourg: Arson attack on construction site of Europe’s largest mosque

Yesterday, a group of individuals set fire to the parking lot of the Eyyûb Sultan Grand Mosque in Strasbourg (eastern France).
An 82-year-old Muslim woman in The Hague was attacked by her neighbor and spent several days in intensive care.

It had already been a difficult year for 82-year-old Cemile. Of Turkish origin, she was regularly subjected to threats and racist insults from her neighbor, who told her to “go back to her country”.
Arson attack on Amiens mosque in a more-than-tense national context for Muslims in France

Yesterday, arson broke out at the entrance to the Assounna mosque in Amiens (northern France) during dawn prayers. Alerted by the smell of burning, worshippers went outside to discover the back door of the mosque on fire.
In Luxembourg, 60% of Muslims have already been victims of Islamophobia

That’s more than one in two Luxembourg Muslims. This figure comes from the latest alarming report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on the situation of Muslims in Europe.
In Sweden, a Christian exorcist demonologist organizes a new anti-Islam demonstration

Swedish far-right Christian activist Jade Sandberg is well known throughout Europe for her hatred of Islam and Muslims. Her public appearances always take place under police guard, due to the controversy she creates: self-denominations of the Koran, Islamophobic slogans chanted with a large Christian cross in her hands.
Islamophobia in sport: UN experts declare France’s headscarf ban discriminatory and to be overturned

A group of UN human rights experts has just issued a press release declaring that the ban on headscarves by certain French sports federations (such as soccer and basketball) is discriminatory and should be overturned.
“Mr. Minister, what actions do you plan to take to combat Islamophobia in concrete terms?” a French MP’s appeal following the latest report on Islamophobia in Europe

In an official letter to the Secretary of State for Citizenship and the Fight against Discrimination, Othman Nasrou, dated October 24, left-wing MP Farida Amrani (LFI) expresses her deep concern at the release of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) report on the state of Islamophobia in Europe.