In Sweden, a Christian exorcist demonologist organizes a new anti-Islam demonstration

Swedish far-right Christian activist Jade Sandberg is well known throughout Europe for her hatred of Islam and Muslims. Her public appearances always take place under police guard, due to the controversy she creates: self-denominations of the Koran, Islamophobic slogans chanted with a large Christian cross in her hands.
Norrköping: a mosque vandalized, neo-Nazi slogans painted on the walls

In Norrköping (southern Sweden), the Bosnian mosque has been attacked several times since the announcement of its expansion project. Broken windows, neo-Nazi slogans painted on the walls: “It is with great shame and deep sadness that we condemn the repugnant attack on the construction of our mosque”, declared the board of the Bosnian Islamic Assembly […]
Two Koran desecrators sent on trial for inciting hatred

Two Swedish prosecutors have remanded for trial two men who repeatedly desecrated the Koran in the summer of 2023, including burning it and hurling insults at Muslims. Although the Swedish government has in the past condemned Quran burning on its soil, while stressing the predominance of freedom of expression and assembly, Attorney General Anna Hankkio […]