Fire near synagogue reveals French government’s double standards

On the evening of August 24, 2024, an individual set fire to several vehicles near the La-Grande-Motte synagogue in southwest France (34).

In response, Gabriel Attal and Gérald Darmanin, respectively Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, went to the site and mobilized two hundred police and gendarmes.

In 2024, the Collectif contre l’islamophobie en Europe (CCIE) (Collective against Islamophobia in Europe) counted a dozen similar attacks on mosques, without the members of the government being moved in the slightest. At best, a tweet from G. Darmanin condemning the attacks. For example, on January 13, 2024, a man set fire to the Morlaix mosque during morning prayers, while worshippers were inside.1.

On social networks, the CCIE denounces the difference in treatment in the protection of places of worship in France and calls on the government to protect all religious buildings, without distinction2.

  1. Attempted fire at Morlaix mosque. One suspect in custody. ↩︎
  2. ↩︎

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